The Hog Is Back

As much as I love seeing our semi resident hedgehog I really don't like seeing him (?) during the day as that is usually a sign that something is wrong. He was in the hedgehog house when I checked the food this morning, munching away on his favourite chicken pellets. We haven't seen him in the house for ages but by the time I got my camera he was gone. I found him later under some bushes, his very loud snorting noises giving him away. I guess the heat is troubling him. I will place some water dishes strategically around the garden. I hope he gets through the next few days.

On the subject of the heatwave I had to walk down to the shop for some milk this morning and chatted to a lady walking her dog. She (the dog) was refusing to get off a grass lawn, presumably the path was already too hot for her paws. Her owner said she was probably going to have to carry her home, which then she did. Note to self: if I ever get a dog (extremely, extremely unlikely) then get a very small one in case it has to be carried in a heatwave.

Until I got the hedgehog I was going to blip another butterfly (now the extra). The first one this year on the buddleia, a meadow brown I think.

One year ago:
Old School

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