Living my dream

By Mima


It is the largest crop of dried beans I’ve grown here so far. They are what I call Muriel’s Magic beans: a climbing bean of which I also eat the full pods in summer. They dry and store very well, and my favourite thing is to make baked beans with them.

As well as pod the beans I cracked hazelnuts today, ready to roast. Walnuts are next…

This is all getting done because I need to turn the drying shelf into the germination shelf.

Yay! It’s time to sow seeds! Brassicas are the first cabs off the rank. I’ll sow some this week, then another batch of the same in a month.

There was a pair of herons circling the property this afternoon, presumably checking out the trees for nesting. And the Paradise Shelduck are flying around the place too. Spring is just around the corner…

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