Capital adventures

By marchmont

Pimm's in the jungle

Most of today was spent at in the Dolomite Templar area, at T's 8th birthday party.  There was the usual faff about getting away, to which I contributed by leaving my phone, again.  #1 son was driving the new car.  It is very high.

We were in a gated community about 30 minutes north, a resort with a golf club.  One large house has been turned into a staycation, picnic area.  All the food was provided and soft drinks.  We had brought Pimm's, beer, fizz and gin for what I later christened Mori House Slings. 

We sat on the ground on mats around low tables.  Not that comfortable and by mid afternoon we had to keep moving away from the sun.  There was a lake, a pond for the kids to catch tadpoles in and later a treasure hunt.  There were 16 of us.  The usual friends that I last saw at Amelia's birthday party in March 2020 and some other friends of T and S.  We didn't really mix.  There were 4 kids.  There were monkeys and we looked out on to the golf course.T and S were staying the night in the beautiful cottage so there were no problems about us staying on.  WE arrived at 11.30 and left after 5. 

WH went straight to bed.  She's been up since 3 with Olivia who had earache.  #1 son made pizza and the girls were in bed very quickly after.  I was not long in following. A day in the sun is tiring!

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