Family Dog

By Family_Dog

As one door closes...

Have you ever walked through this door?

Chances are you'll have walked over the threshold, kicked your shoes off in the hall, chucked your jacket in the bedroom and have had a glass of wine thrust at you before saying 'hello' properly.

You'll have stood in my tiny kitchen and looked at the photo wall, had a wee stir of whatever was cooking on the stove. You'll have nipped to the loo and wondered if anybody could see you through the massive plain glass window and you'll have soaked yourself at the tap that's on back to front.

You'll have sat at our table and laughed with us and regaled us with fantastic stories and high drama. You'll have left hours later than you thought you would, with a bit more wine in your belly than you were planning and you'll have had quite enough of the Cornwalls for a fair few weeks after it.

If this sounds like you - you've been in good company. We've been fortunate enough to have the very best, the very funniest, the most interesting, the most caring, loyal and the very naughtiest of people through that door. For massive parties, family meals, advice sessions and just plain old cups of teas and natters. And everything else in between.

And if this is you, then I'd like to say - THANK YOU. Your love and smiles and laughter became part of the fabric of this flat, making it one of the happiest places I've ever stayed in my life.

This is a door we stood at and waved goodbye to friends - some we would never see again. This is the door we carried our new babies through - beginning a whole new chapter in our lives. This is the door we've opened with the weight of the world on our shoulders and the door we've thrown open without a care, stepping out into the world.

We've staggered through this door at every hour of the clock - usually laughing our heads off at the mayhem we'd just been part of. We've tiptoed through this door in the hopes our babies stay sleeping for a few hours longer. This door has been slammed in rage, closed in a hurry and gingerly opened to see who's on the other side.

Tomorrow we're opening this door to leave it behind for good.

I know there's a bright future ahead of us, it feels exciting and positive in all the right places, for all the right reasons, but I can't help feeling sadness at saying goodbye to this part of my life.

It's been quite a ride.

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