Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

My new 'greenhouse' is finally coming together. I assembled the wooden frame and the metal fram today. I need to rearrange it a bit tomorrow, and fix some things with my green former 'greenhouse', which is falling to pieces and will collapse at any minute. I want to try and secure the new 'greenhouse' against the support beam holding up the balcony above, and the green 'greenhouse'. Don't want the same wind accident happening again... 
I've also done some grocery shopping and on the way home I picked some meadowsweet (such a more fitting name to thes plant, than the Swedish name which can be translated as 'elk herb'... ) and St John's worth. They are now being pressed and dried beneath heavy books. I've ordered UV resin, which is great for smaller projects and dries faster under UV light. It'll be fun to try with dry herbs and flowers. 
This is todays' index card, with the prompt 'orange'. Tea is always a good go to, as is dragons, and this illustration is on the tea brand I drink. Perfect for todays challenge, since I didn't have an orange dragon... ;)

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