
By LifeBeginsAt22

Very Poorly Mummy

Today wasn't a very good day... I had work today which was suppose to be another 7am-10pm split and the plan was to visit Mummy during my split. I woke up in the morning and got some bad news, that Mummy wasn't doing very well and had an awful night. I was very teary on the way to work but thought I would be able to compartmentalise my life when I got to work but I found it impossible! I burst into tears but once I had told my work friends and manager I was able to hold it together until my visit. My manager told me not to come back after my split, they are so understanding and have been very helpful indeed.

Me and my Little Bro went together to see Mummy and what a difference a day makes... she was really poorly. Not the hyperactive, hysterical lady she was yesterday but so exhausted, confused and paranoid from the sepsis and sleep deprivation not to mention the horrendous 'nurses' Me and Little Bro went out into town to find Mummy some lovely PJs, mini shampoos and chocolate bunnies. My Aunty, Grandma, Cousin and Step Dad were there too to look after her.

Get better soon Mummy <3

Emily XxX

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