One Step at a Time

By thepoacher

Pigs Having Flown

So, I was in Kent briefly today and that can only mean one thing photographically - oast houses. And sure enough, I did get some photos of the same although a school boy error means one doesn't make the grade today. And so we have Battersea Power Station instead. I knew we would pass this landmark on the run in to Victoria Station but didn't expect to get such a lucky shot from the train window. Those of a certain age or musical tendency will know that this building featured on the cover of Pink Floyd's Animals album albeit with an inflatable pig in the frame. You may also know that Storm Thorgerson, the creator of this and many other iconic album covers, passed away last week. So, a fitting and timely homage even if I do say so myself. By the way, I think the eerie black smudge between the towers is a mark on the train window. Not a pig. Google Storm Thorgerson when you can - there's a good chance he created the cover of your favourite album. And there's also a funny story about a sniper and the inflatable pig.

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