When your brother is at Beaver camp

 And you are too young to go, the best thing to do is get to a rocky beach and throw stones into the water with a friend in exactly the same situation. Which is exactly what they did.  Which was the perfect antidote, got it all out of their systems and they had lots of fun. All grumpiness packed away and forgotten about.  What an absolutely lovely evening for it! 

Very strange packing up the bag for the eldest, and seeing him off for two nights.  Our neighbour is helping out, so he will be well looked after there! 

Very frustrating day with the masters, the approaching summer holiday is not helping the pressure and mixed messages from supervisor and university.  So annoying! 

Today I'm grateful for: 
Very successful 'move up' day at school, all were very happy with the September class arrangements. 
Dinner with Granny and Grandpa
The youngest literally throwing away his bad mood into Rutland Water - I might try it another time! 

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