The Daily Fox ...

By MaggieB

A little rant ..

Today I was hoping to blip a photo taken with my new camera .. but when I got home, not one of the 400 odd photos of yellow wagtails was in focus - so much for thinking I didn't need to read the manual ..

So this is a photo I took this morning with my old camera, when I noticed one of our cheeky foxes eating the sultanas from the birds' ground feeder ..

And now to my little rant ..

I can't believe that otherwise perfectly intelligent people *still* believe that foxes are dangerous animals which may attack them, their children and their pets ..

The only time there could possibly be a problem is if an animal is cornered and/or feels threatened, then it may lash out in complete terror - as will any dog, cat, cow, horse or human being in a similar situation .. but no-one suggests a cull of dogs, cats, cows, horses or human beings ..

It will not go into your house and nip the tip of a baby's finger off and neatly spit it out .. it will not attack you when you go into the garden to hang out the washing .. a fox will do its darnedest to keep out of your way ..

Even *my* foxes who know me very well as I feed them most days and am now allowed to sit out with them and photograph them - even they are wary of me and will take a few steps back if I move too quickly ..

Please people - get a grip - foxes are beautiful, wild animals and do nothing but add to the beauty of the world and all its natural wonders ..

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