
Today we went to a beauty lab course - making stuff from around the hse into treatments etc - free with a crèche :)
I thought I'd try it once and if melody liked it great if not I wouldn't go - she was hunky dory! No tears - happy as Larry and they loved her! Said she was playful funny and helped tidy! Ideal!
I made hand scrub which was amazing!! Seriously I tablespoon normal sugar and few drops lemon - run in for 3-4 mins - really well and it's amazing how ur hands feel! Then also made a foot scrub - more ingredients. Then time to kill before renegotiated swim class at 12.30 - but mike Mandy and missy all busy!
Then I got lost - so eventually got there with time for chips and then swim - they hadn't moved me tho! So no lesson on - they apologised and gave us a 1:1 lesson :)
Home for nap and then too late for group but we had a nice few hrs reading and playing picnics :)
Dad home - spent £145 online clothes shopping and overall good day

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