
By Sonset25

Baked beans

Yesterday Sheila, the very kind receptionist brought round Murray's ashes.  I really wasn't compos mentis when the vet arrived to help Murray cross the bridge.  Tears streaming, unable to decipher the postage stamp image of caskets being shown and emotions completely occupied with the ending of a life made decision-making poor. 

Now we have a wood casket with a brass plate embossed with 'Murray' in tasteful lettering.  Nice though it is, I'm not one to feel ashes represent the non-existent being.  Photographs, videos and memories suffice for me.

On my way back from town I was delighted to see the swan family.  The cygnets are growing fast and the parents are assiduous in the parenting to bring eight babies to adolescence. 

This young woman was feeding them baked beans straight from the tin.   She said she also fed them sweetcorn which I can understand. 

The sweetness, tomato sauce and beans themselves seem an unlikely natural food for swans.  

Stay cool, hydrated and safe.

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