
By CreativeCarol

What's for Lunch?

It is a beautiful day out and I did not have any meetings, rehearsals or pressing things to do except laundry and ironing. I asked Moira if she wanted to go to the park or the beach and in her little sing song voice she replied, BEACH! So, off we went...the laundry could wait.

Moira loved playing in the sand and pointing out all the birds, but was very tentative about the water. As soon as I pointed out that we could pop the bubbles from the foam of the waves crashing in the shore, she was hooked! It was too cute hearing her say POP, POP, POP and poking at the bubbles with her finger. It made her more relaxed about going into the water. We even had fun jumping the waves.

I was pretty sure I would blip a picture of Moira at the beach this time since I did not do that on the last trip. But I could not resist this photo of the Heron waiting so patiently for a bait fish to jump out of the bucket into his mouth. That of course never happened as the young man fishing on the beach had his bucket firmly secured!

Hope everyone is having a wonderful day!

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