I'm not really catching up on the blipping here, but we've moved back into our own house and as you can see we've got wallpaper on the living room walls now, and our TV reconnected to the world.
The white bookshelf to the left was built for us out of MDF to align better with the wall further to the left out of shot. I wish we'd stood our ground and said no, it's horrible and cost €1000.
The TV is just what it is, and it's on an old 80s TV stand I inherited when a friend finished University and didn't want it back so it's probably 40 years old... Behind the TV there are several power sockets and Ethernet connections - though in hindsight I should have asked for more of both...
The black bookshelf will go somewhere else - not sure where yet. It's an Argos job when black ash finish was all the rage, and easy to match to black ash. Now black ash isn't common any more and you need to find second hand to match it...
The oak effect bookshelf is an Ikea Billy and we've agreed to buy another one second hand to go next to it - we'll have to go and dismantle it, and then reassemble it...
The tub chairs were bought in the shop in the village back home and didn't get used much in England but they are nice enough to sit in. Though facing the window they won't get too much sun in summer as it's overhead but in winter they will get low angle sun being next to a south facing window,
We've three coffee tables, the one here between the sofa (second hand as well) and the TV, which my mother-in-law didn't want any more. We've one from a friend that's still at our mother-in-law's and hasn't migrated here yet, and a third that my mother-in-law hasn't space for that's now in front of the two chairs by the window but wasn't at the time of this blip.
Since this was last done, I've installed our PH5 Poulsen lights, so we don't have naked lightbulbs in the ceiling any more.
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