Blue Hamish

By BlueHamish

Dying her hair ready for sunny Australia

Rosina was going to come to France with us in the summer to visit her brother. It's been about 6 years since she visited so she (we) were all looking forward to it. It is no longer happening because she has to be in Australia by the 10th July to start at Victoria universtiy in Melbourne. The fact that she is going to Oz is not a susrprise but the start date is. We thought it would be September. It all sounds very exciting.

As we have a space going, Jack was asked if he would like to come. His first question was 'where will I sleep?'. Despite being almost 13 years old and weighing mor than I did when I started work at 16, he still won't go to bed on his own. anyway, he was well pleased when he discovered that he would be sharing a room with Diana and I (not a bed thank goodness). He hasn't said a definite yes yet, but I thik he will. It will be fun - nice for me to have someone on my own intelectual and cultural level to play with :-)

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