Two halves

It was a day of two halves.
First half off the beaten track at a place called  Muirsheil  Park. My God it was the arse end of nowhere but with stunning scenery. 
The second half was a visit to Silverburn shopping centre,  always an ordeal for me. I wanted a pair of Sketchers. First port of call was Sport Direct, an oxymoron of a name,  they were anything but sporty and certainly not direct. 3 scrawny necked yoofs  ( certainly even glued together,  wouldn't have been a contender for Love Island)with not a braincell between them couldn't find the partner to the shoe I had chosen.
A quick exit and onto shoe shop no 2 called Schu ( how original..not!) But a totally different attitude.  Better service and a much more pleasant experience.  Finally dinner at some place called zizzi.  Excellent staff and decent food  so I went back Happy. Purchases...2 pairs of trousers,  1 pair of Sketchers, a pair of Crocs and a  bubble machine. 

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