Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Evening illuminations

These are dessert gooseberries in Margret's (next door) fruit garden.

I went this evening to pick more blackcurrants. The visitors who came to help this afternoon have done a fine job of stripping some of the bushes, but there were still plenty left.

It was very peaceful in the garden and the goosegogs seemed to shed a light as the sun went down.

Earlier I made black currant muffins. Not a great success. The recipe said to cook for 35 minutes, but mine were crusty after 15 and not quite cooked inside. They will do for pudding with custard!

I popped to Hexham this afternoon. I had a loaf of bread to return to Waitrose because is had a nasty brown something or other in the centre of the loaf. I declined to have a replacement!

Then to the other Marjorie's. Her friend Nora was there. What great conversation, although we did get on to the NHS and the problems locally.

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