Tiny Tuesday

A strange day weather wise, this morning was quite chilly, but I didn't do  my yomp. What I did do, was after breakfast, did a bit of watering, also got a hoe and made a start on the weeds in my garden. We then had a few spots of rain. It then started to warm up and became quite sticky. so indoors, ceiling fan on in the study, and continued to edit my South African images. Another 83 in the bin!

This afternoon a visit to a friend I hadn't seen for a while. She introduced me to the camera club 12 years ago. With the lock down we hadn't been in touch. So it was nice to catch up with  a glass of wine and strawberries and Greek yoghurt.

A quick bit of shopping, and back home, dinner done,  so now to play catch up :-) 

p.s The blip is a dead bug that was on my windowsill  :-)

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