My Restless Lens

By terri365

1634 - Coming Into Land

Busy day - got a Building Warrant package out to a client just before lunch and will meet up with him to discuss any changes at the end of the week.  It's for a new house which is always quite exciting!

An easier afternoon with a smaller project and it's a tricky one but it's another one I will get off my desk either today or tomorrow.

I have also had a barrage of emails from my pet insurance company - I have had quite a few claims in and they seem to be finally getting around to reviewing them.  I have just totalled it up... £1808.59!  And that has only been since April!!!  Thank goodness for pet insurance and a VISA card!!!

Patience in the garden today.  I sat very still as there were a few hoverflies hovering around.  Aonghus was off sniffing around other parts of the garden so I managed to get a few in flight shots - these two were the best - see extra.

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