Between fen and mountains

By Tickytocky

Light at the the end of the tunnel.

There are many streets in the old village where you could almost shake hands between upstairs windows. This can make the streets quite dark but there is always light or a view at the end. The local gendarmerie has been meeting with local youths to dissuade them racing around these streets on their mopeds making them sound like souped up racing machines. One day there will be a nasty accident as someone steps out of their front door.

Otherwise HMRC has been imposing problems with their new real time reporting software. Eventually, we discovered that our payroll would not work because their software threw out our reference code as it was not all in capitals! Try explaining that to people expecting to get paid. We got it sorted but what a waste of time!

Some of our suppliers are getting fussy about who they supply in these economically turbulent times. They contract and rationalise and it has a big knock on effect, no matter the fact that there are many willing and able to buy their goods. Crazy. It doesn't seem a strategy likely to beat a recession. There may be light at the end of the street but is there light at the end of the tunnel?

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