Snapshots of my world

By yeeeeed

Mini Bales!

Mini bales in little squares looking quite cute in the least that was my thinking!!

What shall we do on a heatwave day with temperatures hitting 29 degrees (according to Cilla's thermometer!)? Well, we shall combine the Reception class with my Class One and make a class of 48 children!

The current Nursery and Reception classes at my school are merging in September and therefore the classrooms are changing...with me going into the current Reception room and my classroom, with the nursery room across the way, combining for the unit. The head's idea was I'd teach Reception and my class together today and tomorrow so Reception can sort their stuff. His parting reassurance? I'm down the corridor ... :-P

They've done incredibly well despite being melted blobs by the end of the day. We finished off with a game of Sleeping Lions and 4 of them genuinely fell asleep.

More fun tomorrow!!

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