Back in Edinburgh - Another 6 hours in the car

Much as we love St Ives & Edinburgh, we wish that they were closer to each other. It's a 12 hr drive between the two. but fortunately Ann's sister lives in Carsington so we can have an overnight stop off there. This morning I got up at 7.30am and went for a little walk beside the reservoir. The sun was shining and the sky was blue and the paths weren't too hot for my paws.

By 11.30am it was definitely too hot for me. The temperature outside was 29C though we were nice and cool in the car because we have air conditioning. Quite often when we're travelling, Ann just treks me around service station car parks, but today my paws would have got burnt if I was walking on concrete so she planned our stops around what I would like best. The 'Angel of the North' is one of my favourite places to stop because the car park is right next to a field which was nice and cool for me and I did lots of rolling about.

I only played for about 20 mins then we went back in the car for an hour and a half. After that I got to go for a swim at Spittal Beach. Yay! I really am a lucky little collie pup, especially as the car smelt of wet dog well it was hardly likely to smell of wet cat was it? for the rest of our journey.

We got back to Edinburgh about 4pm-ish and Ann's plan was to go to her fitness club this evening because she's paid for a 2 month membership and do a 'Cardio Express' class she doesn't even know what that is and then swim half a mile. All part of her #summerfitnessplan2022 #aimingforabeachbabebod project.  In reality, she's too tired, so she's not going to bother. I was already snoozing in my most fav bed in the world but she woke me up and made me go for a little toileting walk. I had a wee pretty quickly so I was allowed to come home, gobbled up my dinner and have gone back to bed. My human loves hot, sunny weather, but we both find 6 hour drives in sunny weather exhausting.

Oh and if anyone is interested; my human has just totted up how much she's spent on diesel in the last month.................... £364.61. It's a lot of money isn't it? It's not even as if we've been to loads of places around Cornwall. Having said that; she'd do it all again because she'd far rather spend a month in our very lovely St Ives home than go abroad for a week and endure the delays/cancellations and queues at airports.

So here we are. Back in our very lovely Edinburgh home. It's mega hot but the sun has disappeared. All our plants on the balcony have died so there's obv not been much rain here in the last month.

Ann has a home-made chicken curry defrosting and she's going to have it with oven chips and a bottle of wine, whilst watching Eastenders & Corrie
Lol! #summerfitnessplan2022 & #aimingforabeachbabebod will resume tomorrow.

Having said that; she's back to work tomorrow for four days this week and obv my walks take preference over her #summerfitnessplan2022 #aimingforabeachbabebod project, so who knows what's going to be happening over the next couple of months????

Lovely to be back in Edinburgh.
Toodles xxxx

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