Not to be messed with

We have two species of Butcherbird in our area. I've blipped the Pied several times (eg April last year) but this seems to be my first blip of it's near relative, the Grey Butcherbird. This handsome fellow visited our balcony this afternoon in gentle drizzle, though the bird seems to be quite dry. This is a young one, hence the brown colouring.

This BirdLife Australia webpage mentions that these birds defend their nests very aggressively and will not hesitate to swoop on intruders, sometimes swooping with enough force to draw blood, ... each swoop ... accompanied by a loud, maniacal cackle. There is a link to its call at the end of the webpage.

Half hour later: I've had another look at the bird books, and I'm now not sure about my identification of this as a Grey Butcherbird. The immatures of both Grey and Pied are very similar. Maybe it's a Pied! I'm sure the bird itself is not concerned, one way or the other.

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