
By Hillyblips

I Am Not Amused

Flapping and squawking, this chicken was triumphantly held aloft after a smart dive into the coop by Hubs this morning while the others made a run for it scattering over the grass!

'Oh not me!!!!' she seemed to noisily screech sinking her large talons into his thigh- I think she thought she was for the pot (not that I hasten to add, I could do that!) Although as she nearly drew blood, I think Hubs might have given it a second thought! Neither party were amused - I was :)) We both looked at each other wondering what the hell we were doing and shaking our heads! I had been asked, no guesses by whom, to take a head picture of a chicken to link with the eggs on the lawn scenario.

This is a cream legbar chicken which lays the most deliciously beautiful pastel blue eggs. She herself is quite pretty being softly barred with grey, silver-grey and chestnut colours. They are very sprightly and alert, will come to the back door and tap on it for peanuts which they know I keep in the utility but are not tame. In fact quite nervous and flighty - even more so now I feel :))

Off out to lunch which am looking forward to with some old friends, (or should I say a friends of long standing) - our kids all went to junior school together. Feel I deserve it too as to make up for the computer debacle yesterday, I was working till one this morning and it's still not finished. Definitely not amused.

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