Life in a Northern Town

By kagsy

Empty Spaces

iPod shuffle challenge - last day.
Not such a jolly tune to finish with - Empty Spaces by Pink Floyd.. However it fits with the overcast, grey day.

This is the Huddersfield Railway Goods Warehouse; when built in the early 1900s it was the largest warehouse in the country, complete with a lift that would carry entire train wagons up 5 storeys. It now lies derelict, and is the first building you see when you get off the train at Huddersfield. Over the years there has been talk of development, but nothing comes of it. How sad that such a significant building is now just home to a few pigeons.

This is a tone-mapped HDR, which I used to try and bring out the beautiful colours and patterns in the brickwork. I wonder what the craftsmen who laboured over its construction would think if they saw it now.

I know HDR has a Marmite effect on people, you love it or hate it. There are some Blippers who use it to extraordinary effect, and I am awed by their creativity. I suspect I use it more to cover up inadequacies!

Today is a Merrie England day, followed by a Higher Education Information evening at my son's college - they'll probably just say "you're gonna need a bigger cheque-book!"

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