My tribute to the fallen....

...... it is Anzac Day (Australian and New Zealand Army Corp) here in New Zealand and Australia, a public holiday, where we all remember those that went to war, who made the ultimate sacrifice to give us a better life. Dawn parades & services throughout NZ along with services throughout the day in cities through to small towns and communities. A day to remember. A nice touch we saw on TV news tonight was a memorial service to all the horses (12,000) that were shipped over to Europe in WW1 and in particular Jess who returned. There is a beautiful plague on a hill in remembrance of her and all the others that didn't make it.

My Dad served in Italy and Egypt - thankfully he returned. This morning Doug & I sat riveted watching a brilliant TV programme (NZ made) on the battles of Monte Cassino where he was posted. Watching this made me realise how little I knew of his time over there, he never, or very rarely, spoke of his four years at war. I wish I had questioned him a little more to learn just where he spent those four years. I guess I could find out through the RSA, and also collect his medals. He never bothered - it wasn't his style. He came home from war to meet his 4 year old daughter (my sister) for the first time. How difficult it must have been for my Mum and all those that were left at home to continue on with life.

Onto other things - Ella turned 7 today, an early morning phone call to her and a lovely chat. She said amongst her gift from Mum and Dad she received a book about Anzac, we had quite a lengthy chat about that.

Chrissybelle and I spent a couple of hours in the Scenic Reserve this morning - the light was wonderful, the autumn colours immense. Go welcome her back to blipping (I gave her the hard word) !!!

Doug & I walked around the beach and wharf area this afternoon - it was so hot, some swimmers in the bay. The shorts and tee-shirts were out again. Brilliant, and to see so many families, couples, young people and dogs down there enjoying the area was lovely. From there up to visit some friends for a late cup of tea and a chat.

All in all, its been a really fabulous day.


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