
An old photo but new to me. This was left on the tribute page today. 1976 - Kirk at Brian M’s wedding. Brian died suddenly 18 years ago of a heart attack and it was his son who posted this photo. 

Was this my first day with no visitors or plans or have I already done one? I can’t remember, but it was a long day. I did sleep later, didn’t wake until 6:30, but I didn’t feel any better for it. I made a couple of calls, walked Dog (again forgetting to lock the patio doors) and then went to the shop for some milk and eggs. I bought the eggs, a pizza for my dinner, strawberries and  a couple of bottles of wine. Got home and realised I’d forgotten the milk. This evening I decided on a macaroni cheese ready meal, totally forgetting the pizza in the fridge. 

I don’t feel like me at all today.

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