Out for dinner

A sort of cleaning day. B did the hoovering as I set about dusting downstairs and sorting out the collection of magazines  on and under the coffee table. I have an enormous pile of gardening magazines to send to new home /homes, I don’t want to put them in the recycling bin. 

We headed over to join R & S for dinner. They were away at an event in Wales last weekend, music, lectures and learning new skills. R dyed some wool for me and did other crafty things. She found it hard work as she doesn’t appear to have inherited my crafting skills. She did try, bless her :0) The wool looks good, I have now to work out what to make from it. 

The fox and rabbit tile was a purchase for them.

Dinner was yummy. 

This is a day late being posted, we were late getting home last night. 

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