Life with blue crutches…

A beautiful hot summer day. Just the sort of day I hate. I was surviving quite well until I stood outside my front door this evening to take a couple of photographs. I cook food in ovens cooler than that!
I think the lady running our corner shop is suffering from the heat as well. I went in mid morning to stock up on a few things like yogurt and cheese but the fridges were just about empty; she said she forgot to order. Not even a single forlorn banana on the upturned fruit and veg basket.
But a friend is coming up trumps and delivering a Guernsey Gâche and some fruit in the morning. 
The Co-op offer what I’m told is a very good delivery service so tomorrow I’ll put together an order for next week.
I am so thankful that surgical stockings don’t feature in this hip replacement. I really could not bear anything on my feet other than my trusty Crocs!
If anyone wants to help please spirit me away to Antarctica. I have happy memories of standing on deck wearing jeans and a t-shirt admiring the turquoise icebergs…

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