The Wardmob

By Wardmob

AWOL hat

Today was going to be a fantastic day for my son Jake but instead it
is going to be one of those days that go down in the family history
books. Jake was selected 6 weeks ago to lead the ANZAC day parade. He
was so proud and so were we. He was going to march in front of about a
thousand people. Army, Navy, Air Force, Cadets, Scouts, Girl guides,
Firemen, Police You name it they were marching. He was going to carry
the NZ flag in front of them and lead the way. He has had his uniform
ironed and ready to go for two days and could not sleep last night for
the excitement. And I of course would have my camera ready and waiting
for my days blip.

But It didn't happen because of a hat. To report in at 5:30 we had to
leave home at 5am. At 4:45am we were ready to go and his hat went
awol. we could not find it anywhere. we searched the house high and
low but no hat. We searched the car but no hat. Frantic phone calls to
his brother who was already on his way into town did not reveal the
hat. It was like a real life stupid dream where you were catching
the plane on a trip of a lifetime and you could not find your
passport. the stupid hat was no where to be seen. So at 5:15 when
there was no hope of ever getting to report in on time he made the
dreaded phone call to the officers to find someone else. He was
devastated and so was I. Mike and I drove away from the house feeling
just awful that he was being left behind. about 1 minute down the road
and Mike reached down in beside the car seat and voila - the elusive
hat. We broke land speed records getting back home but it was way too

So now it is one of those stories that in 50 years Jake will tell his
grandkids how he almost led the ANZAC day parade but he didn't because
he could not find his hat.

Never mind, maybe he will get selected again next year.

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