Private Family Moment

I overheard this family explaining to the younger generation how they are related to Sir Charles Upham and his wife. One of New Zealands most famous war heroes. I just googled him and he is also described as the "most decorated Commonwealth soldier of all time". Some of his exploits are a fine line between insane dangerous idiocy, and incredible admirable heroism with no regard to consequence. Wikipedia has a great summary of his life.
This in the end is one of my favourite moments of the Anzac Parade today, what it is really about, remembering who, what they did, where they went, and how they made a difference to us today. And on Anzac Day who wouldn't want to be related to Sir Charles?
I do remember seeing in the Waioru War Museum a Nazi glass paperweight, which Charles stole from the commandants desk in Colditz. It ended up coming back home with him years later so he must have hidden it for years.

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