
Italy continues to astound with it's beauty and, well, just it's general Italian-ness.

A day out today to the hilltop towns of Monteriggioni and San Gimignano. Food and drink and sightseeing and  all-round splendour. Wow!

Stocked up on essentials  from the supermercato on the way home, dove straight in the pool for a freshener back at ours and then sorted out alfresco tea for all, finishing the night with shared Peroni and backgammon in the kitchen with my eldest  girl. 

Right, the night is still young(ish) - Tour De France catch-up beckons.

[As a wee aside - bought some pesto flavour crisps in Bologna the other day and I'm snacking on a few here as I type and....they really are The Business!]

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