Time to chart the progress

Not a lot has really changed on the building site this week. We still get woken up about 6.30am every morning as a large number of lorries come down Anderson Place, go into the building site, and line to have topsoil loaded into them. Off they go, only to come back relatively quickly, so wherever they are going to deposit top soil is not that far away. The pile here never seems to go down even though they have been taking it away for at least two weeks.

I had quite a successful day of writing, although I was interrupted a few times by having to attend to other things coming in that demanded my attention. In the afternoon, I managed to pop out for a couple of items from the supermarket, so got some steps, to go along with a short and easy peloton. I was very tired today after yesterday’s busy-ness, and I hadn’t slept very well at all. I shall have an early night tonight.

Making very slow progress on The Name of the Rose…. I might manage 20% before we have our book group meeting.

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