The real king of the jungle

A minute is a long time in politics... as the saying will henceforth be known. Anything I write regarding the wanna-be despot in Downing Street will be out of date before I finish typing it. 

The question now is how firm is his footing? Will he try to bring forward serious business in parliament in the next months, even in the short bit of it that parliament will sit? Will he actually go, in the end, without a further constitutional crisis?

Mini-Trump. Even Trump himself alluded to it. We're not shot of him yet.

On the other hand, this is the true king. Regarded in countries across the world and throughout history as strong, courageous, dignified and true, and adopted in Britain since Richard the Lionheart, on whose family shield it featured. The British Lion is everywhere; on memorials and buildings and coats of arms.

Not very apparent in Downing Street right now.

This is a bronze, one of twenty five currently on The Downs in Bristol made by Gillie and Marc Schattner. They are the pride of Born Free, named after the film book television series to draw attention to the drastic fall in numbers of lions in the wild, now down to around twenty thousand.

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