Onwards and upwards....

By Yana1

2748. Digital Influencer!

This is my friend and she’s a digital influencer for the company she works for in sales and she was looking particularly adorable today so I snapped a couple of photos of her!

We met for breakfast and a wee bit of retail therapy, she bought some stuff but I just couldn’t find anything I wanted really…until we sat and had a coffee and I spotted her adorable sandals close up….they’re Uggs and I tried on hers but they were a size too big so I ordered some one size smaller in lemon and my eldest told me they look like meringues!

I’m doing quite well with my retainers and managing to get them in and out without too much difficulty. My teeth were a bit achy yesterday but otherwise they’ve been fine. Having to take them in and out for eating and drinking is doing two very helpful things, 1) stopping me snacking because it’s too much trouble to take them out and put them back in again and 2) making me drink more water rather than tea or coffee for exactly the same reason!
I hope this continues because I could actually lose some weight too!

I’m finally getting my hair trimmed tomorrow and I managed to organise an alternative place to get my eyebrows tinted as I cancelled my appointment with the usual place I went to. I was impressed with the new place, masks were worn and social distancing measures were still in place…

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