Eye tests
Interesting trip to Specsavers. The vision in my right eye has deteriorated a lot. I can't say I'd noticed that but I had been feeling it a bit blurry while watching TV - yet not all the time. Can't tell any difference re distance or reading. I guess it's been gradual over the last 2 years so perhaps your brain compensates to make it less noticeable! I did notice a difference when doing the tests though. It seems the deterioration is partially due to the cataract having gone far worse - the cataract on the left eye hasn't. I am typically awkward.
She said the right eye is borderline for operation but the fact that the vision can still be made good by spectacles means they probably wouldn't operate yet.
She says to get retested in 1 year instead of 2.
Got the ultrasound-guided shoulder injection tomorrow.
It's good fun getting older! Well the alternative isn't, ha ha.
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