Hoverfly and rocket

The tub of rocket from which I have been picking leaves for salads has now run very prettily to seed, though the flowers are nice in salads too. I like their unusual cruciform shape and the veining on the creamy white petals. The hoverfly posed for a while, but the first shots, with the wings still open, are my favourites.

It was quite a productive day, with P planting more vegetable plants while I prepared produce for the freezer and potted a few more things into larger pots. I also enjoyed an initial look through the David Hockney book of his iPad paintings of the coming of spring in Normandy, documented in 2020 and exhibited at the Royal Academy last year; it's going to be a joy. J and I watched the video of the exhibition, which I would love to have seen in person. Finally, in the evening as I locked the door onto the deck, I found myself face to face with a fox, about two metres away from me. We both stood still and looked at each other for a few moments before it turned and trotted calmly away. 

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