
By pandammonium

Peace lily

At least one quarter of my peace lily is happy: it presented me with the start of a flower the other day. This pleased me.

The other three quarters aren’t doing so well: I put them with the fungus gnats. Still, Sammy is unfurling yet more tendrils/fronds/arms/legs/branches/stems, so maybe the fungus gnats will be gone soon.

I put the fungus-gnat-ridden herbs outside in the hope that they’d take their respective fungus gnats with them. I don’t know if that’s working or not, but I seem to have killed off the coriander: it shot up and flowered before I had time to notice; when I put it out, I gave it a radical haircut. When I showed it the mirror, it seemed happy enough, but I guess it wasn’t. Maybe I should’ve left it.

My next step is to cover the soil in all the pots with gravel; this is supposed to stop the fungus gnats getting to the soil so that they can’t burrow down and lay eggs, which means there’ll be no larvae to eat the roots and grow into more fungus gnats, and so on. I will persist.

I will not resist: while I was out buying gravel, I bought a trailing fuchsia to go in the hanging basket that was the home of my failed sweet peas: I forgot to water them after I’d hung the basket up outside. Sorry, sweet peas :(

I also bought a little chilli plant. It was reduced, and it looked cute. I’m to feed it tomato food, so I got some tomato food and a child’s watering can because I only have this one plant that needs tomato food.

In other news, I see my MP has scored himself yet another promotion.

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