
I got home today to find this delivery! Thank you Sarah and Tim. How lovely is that? And yes, I can vouch for the fact they are delicious.

I e come to bed thinking, wow, a better day today and then immediately think there’s something wrong with me! I’ve not cried at all. Surely that’s not normal? What a mix up of emotions this is. 

I was up early, again! Tried to put together a slideshow of pictures that we can use at the venue next week, and failed. Half of them just uploaded in landscape and I couldn’t change it using an iPad. I sent it to James to work on his iMac, but it wouldn’t let him edit my creation. I gave up and walked Dog. 

I had a hair appointment, close to work, as that’s what usually works best for me, so set off early. The grey is gone! Well, covered up to be precise, but looks better. As it’s close to work and my appointment finished around the same time as Elaine finishes work, we met up at a local restaurant for some lunch. Apart from the boys, she is my one constant. Visiting every week, phoning or messaging several times a week, since this journey began. The counsellor lady told me yesterday that it is good to have one true friend that you can offload to, and she doesn’t seem to be put off when I’m not my normal happy self! 

The return journey the satnav re routed me across country, due to the huge roadworks at Ashford, and it was a nice drive listening to a new audiobook. Got home in time to watch a great tennis match - no spoilers this time Sam, but if you’ve not seen it, you really must, the one with Norrie! Finished watching Sherwood, a great mini series, and now to bed!

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