Thank You For the Days ..

By Fyael

Another Angle on the Bass

At Seacliff. This place has almost mythical status for me. I've known about it for years, but today I got there. Just ... we had to squeeze Wally through a very niggardly barrier (£3 in the slot to park on this privately-owned beach). However, once in it lived up to my hopes and expectations and more. See the extras for the smallest harbour in the country, and a photographer more intrepid than I.

I was going to wax lyrical bore on about the wonders of Seacliff, the history of Tantallon, the ice-cream of North Berwick, but all I can think about now is the news from Westminster. Whatever next?? TM and I are taking bets on who gets which job .... it would be funny, if it wasn't so bloody important>

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