Getting Started
This is what we're here for...
Mike has been assessing and making a list of what's needed; tomorrow we go to B&Q... He's been under the floorboards checking for rotten joists (an airbrick had been blocked up), up in the attic inspecting, taken a wonky door off, and a trim off the wall under the handrail which meant you caught your hands if you used it... amazing the crazy things folk do to houses.
I mended a sheet, did a wash and hung it in the yard and brought it in (it's been a good drying day), took some baby things round to someone, did a shop with Ju, tidied up round the front... but doesn't feel like much...
- Paul eventually going to A&E, and getting a stronger antibiotic, grateful for folk praying for him
- feeling my newest granddaughter moving about
- a chat with a friendly guy doing voluntary community gardening in Platt Fields Park, love the friendliness of Northerners
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