The rest of forever...

By DrMac

Look this way....say 'cheese'!

L: Stop licking that claw, Pippa, you are supposed to be looking at the camera.
P: Shoosh, it hurts, I'm trying to lick the dangly bit off.
R: What did she say? Peas?
L: This is that special day, her birthday thingy. She says she is two. Seriously, she is a lot older than two. Delusional woman.
P: Two? Nah. one hundred and two! Check out the wrinkles! Hee hee!
R: I don't like peas, I'm not looking anywhere. And anyway, who put my bed in here!?
P: Yeah, get outta our bed old man...just in case that bladder starts getting all leaky again...
L: (snort)...pissy pants!
P: (chortle)...we are supposed to look like we love each other...
R: Hmph!

Two years eh. Doesn't time fly when you're having fun!x

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