Coastal walk

We drove to St Bees for a coastal walk today. The forecast did not look good, but it turned out to be glorious weather.

Lunch in the beach car park overlooking the sea, and then we headed up. This is the start of the coast to coast walk. Three young lads with very heavy backpacks followed us. They are doing the whole route, which takes in three national parks, over two weeks (extra). Two of our nieces did the route last year.

The views from the cliffs are spectacular. To the south Sellafield, the huge nuclear site, with Black Coombe brooding over it. To the north looking towards St Bees Head and it’s lighthouse, and out of shot in this image the Galloway coast. To the east Scarfell, Pillar, the Wasdale screes and other Lakeland peaks. And to the west, thirty miles off the coast, the Isle of Man and twin peaks including Snaefell.

These are the only real sea cliffs in the north-west of England. The red sandstone cliff ledges provide breeding platforms for guillemots, razorbills, fulmars, kittiwakes and others.

Achy legs at the end. J did very well.

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