
Today's the day ........................ for a little miracle

This little bit of gorgeousness is a pear - but more than that, it's a homegrown pear from our garden - the first time ever we've had such a thing. .

You won't be able to tell from the above that it's only a couple of inches across (as yet) but we have high hopes for it.  There are three pears altogether on the tree which is a couple of feet high.  Unfortunately, there's something else I have to tell you - it's a pear tree which has had three different varieties grafted on to it, namely - Conference, Abbe Fetel and Williams.  Now, I have to say that I don't approve of such messing about because it's not treating the noble pear tree with the respect it deserves.  But in our defence, we actually thought we were buying three separate trees?!

So, obviously, we're hoping that it's a Williams Pear and that it keeps growing until it's proper pear-size.  But, quite frankly, we're just thrilled to see it - and will devote as much love and attention that it requires to help it on its way ..........................  

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