By Suzyell


What a bloody super day.
The afternoon was spent with Lesley, Lorraine and Linden. They came round and we sat in the garden in the sun drinking wine and reminiscing. We all met 30 years ago when pregnant with our first children. The NCT Girls. 2 of the NCT Girls didn't make it. Heidi had too far to come really and Mandy wasn't well and didn't want to pass on whatever she has (not covid and probably not shingles but nevertheless something) 
Once they left, Jessica arrived from London - she's staying for a few days - and Jennie, Adam and Freckle came over. We then had a very lovely few hours. Doing the same really - sitting in the garden, drinking and eating and just being. These times are want I live for. chilling with the ones I love and it being just comfy and easy and full of smiles. 
Once Jennie and Adam had gone home, Jessica wanted to look at her old photography work from GCSE and A level. It was lovely to sit with her and relive it all and to see her feeling proud of what she had achieved. I think, like so many of us, she had forgotten how good she was, how hard she worked and it will bolster her up when she goes back to work. I suspect she has questioned herself and has had that old 'friend'  Imposter Syndrome hanging around. Well tonight she sent that friend packing - (until she comes again!) 
I went to bed happy. 

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