The dangers of tomatoes

I made lasagne for tea tonight.  My son was wearing a new white t shirt. The lasagne has lots of tomato in it. He decided to wear his rain jacket to eat his tea, and it made me laugh.  I completely understand why, though.
After tea we went to a gig at a venue in an old factory, called the Jam Jar.  It was called the Tropical Tea Party. It was wonderful from start to finish. Neither my son nor I drink alcohol and we discovered kombucha - rhubarb flavoured.  Delicious. The first dj played reggae and dancehall. The main event was Havana meets Kingston. The producer (in the extra);has recorded musicians in Cuba and Jamaica and kind of stitched it together. I was entranced. Everyone was very friendly, and several people chatted to me.  If they were surprised to find a 68 year old there they didn’t let on.

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