
By Legacy

What Fresh Hell Is This?

My poor little girl does not like to go to the vet but she's quite brave about it.  I think she's rather fond of her "Dr. Jake", and he seems to like her as well.  I do believe that  her new carrier has removed  lot of her concerns.  It's the Cadillac of cat carriers I think.  Ironic, isn't it?  I'm driving a 22 year old Jeep and the cat gets carted around in luxury.  Oh, well, anyone who is surprised that I subscribe to that philosophy doesn't know me very well.  

Now for the bad news.  Lizzie is diabetic.  
I've been concerned about her for the past few weeks because she's been drinking a noticeably unusual amount of water.  I'm always on the alert because she was diabetic some years back but has been in remission. 

 Dr. Jake had some good news regarding the medicine.  Insulin is not cheap because it's the same stuff humans need.  Last time I checked it was about $1,500 a vial.  Of course, that would last several months but still.....  Apparently, there are some options that would reduce the cost significantly, especially if I use GoodRX.  And there's also a method of delivery that gets around the standard one which reduces the cost as well.  

While Dr. Jake is happily off to Greece on vacation with his wife (kids are staying home*) next week, Lizzie and I will be back at the clinic for lessons on how to administer the insulin.  I'm optimistic that I'll be able to handle both the cost and the procedure so I feel pretty good.  Despite the look on her face in the blip, as long as Lizzie is not in pain or suffering in any way, we'll give it a go.  
(*I've never seen anyone so happy to be leaving on vacation in my life. )

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