Recumbent Pineapple
Another busy eco-day. We had a litter-pick through the village with different classes tackling different areas of our village. I was with a class I don't know very well and its always interesting hearing what they have to say about life. Today I had explained to me the difference between a 'conflict' and a 'war' by two kids of former soldiers. We also discussed the effectiveness of solving world disputes with a game of 'scissors, paper, stone' (or 'rock, paper, scissors') instead of war. The kids weren't convinced by that, even when I said I wasn't daft and we could make it best of three. Maybe I won't be suggesting that to the UN just yet.
Part of the day was dressing up in green stuff. My kids had fun with their costumes - Conor went to nursery as "EcoMan", with an old pillowcase cloak appropriately lettered. Katherine had her dad's old Robin Hood (green) hat with felt letters stuck on her uniform too. It was amusing to send her to school with 'Green Day' on her back and remember seeing them live at Brixton in 1990 something. If that young 'rock chick' (shhh I was never really that, but let me have my dreams, eh?) had known that one day she'd be up late cutting felt letters out.... well, just shows how many lives we have in the one life.
Anyway, philosophy aside, here's a pineapple.
I've been helping out Mr B who needed some still life shots done. I haven't any experience with that so it's been fun trying it out. As you can see this pineapple is obligingly very still.
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