McArthur Island

No sunshine as was
forecast, but once around the
island did the trick! 

~ carliewired

I was up before 4, made coffee and did laundry before 5, put the bins out before 6 and left the house.  I cruised onto McArthur Island to have a look around. 

I parked by the Butterfly Garden where the crows were hanging out. Two had a keen interest in what I was doing this morning. They sat up on the sign watching and talking to each other. I walked across the foot bridge to get a shot of my mountains looking over the slough. Environment Canada's weather site was telling me I was in sunshine. This doesn't look at all like sunshine to me. 

I admired the flowers blooming and I caught up with three families of Canada geese. They were moving their broods along the Rivers Trail, snacking as they walked. The babies are fun to watch. They walk along grazing, then suddenly sit down as though tired. 

I was surprised to find a marmot munching on the trunk of a tree. I've never seen any of them show any interest in a tree or its leaves, so I watched him carefully. I think there must be moss on the north side of the tree that it wanted. It seemed so odd to see a marmot in a beaver pose. 

Someone had left food for the marmots. It looked like cucumber and sweet pepper. I think the orange pepper was not a favourite. I also saw the remains of peanuts in the shell. Again, I saw a marmot with a huge mouthful of green grass. Is it to eat or is it to line a burrow? 

I dropped a parcel off for my daughter before heading home. I could use a nap and may go out in the afternoon. It will be a quiet day for me. 

Schools closed for the summer yesterday. Teachers finish today. My friend is exhausted as it's been another grueling year for education. I'm so happy to be retired!!!

We might expect a mostly sunny day with a high of 27 C. 

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