Baby Steps

We sat outside eating our lunch on the front porch while two crows made such a fuss in the shady oak tree right next to the porch. Why couldn't they leave us alone! But suddenly it all made sense: mom was teaching baby to fly! One was smaller and his cries were not as lusty as the other bigger and louder one who was pretty insistent: "Pay attention, young man, you're going to be on your own in about a day," she seemed to say. 
They were still at it when we finally gave up. That was yesterday. Today, they were at it again, only this time, across the street on the sidewalk. After awhile baby wandered off and seemed to have had his fill of listening; he got very interested in two nearby sparrows, then tried to fly and headed straight for a window. Mom seemed to wince, but didn't stop coaxing. Again we gave up on seeing something spectacular happen and went inside. But they'll be back.

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