As Told By Ginger

By 9to12


Rob Piccirillo.

I ate a bagel first period. Second period we did a bunch of good work in Italian. We finished the curriculum in physics. Cello during lunch. I'm feeling better about math. Funny how easy things become when you pay attention.

We had a track meet at Herricks today. It was rather convenient for MYO purposes. After we finished running, I just walked up the hill, took my cello from my mom, and went to rehearsal.

Killer meet. I ran the 3200 and got a HUGE PR. I wish I could have beaten John, but I'll take a 12 second PR. 10:26!!!!!! AHHHHHH!!!!!!

I ran the 4x800 right after that and it hurt. Brent and I had one of the worst handoffs in Wantagh Track history, but at least I didn't drop the baton.

Rehearsal was pretty good tonight, too. We had seating auditions, and I went first. It wasn't nearly as terrible as I thought it would be, and I'm cautiously optimistic.

Home and showered.

Tuesdays last forever. Literally.

Assuming you're using the Tal definition of 'literally'.

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